We consider ourselves fortunate for the many No Slippy Hair Clippy fans who have supported us over the years. We started with nothing but an outstanding product in which we truly believed, and we are so thrilled that it has the continued attention and trust of parents everywhere.
Our recent features include Working Mother, worn by "The Biggest Loser" host Allison Sweeney's darling daughter Megan. Among Allison's feature photos inside the magazine, little Megan is wearing her No Slippy Hair Clippy’s in every photo!
Another recent feature was in Hudson's magazine. They featured our new line of mini clips, called Clipettes!
Thank you so much to Mary Leonore for the magazine scans and for the mention in your blog! And thank you so much to you, dear moms, for your continued support :)
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Monday, June 28, 2010
All the Single Dads... Part 2
As you know, we are celebrating that special man in our life whom we call Dad (or Daddy or Papa or Pops...) Our last blog post was about parenting tips for single fathers who may be struggling with parenting (for all you new moms too!)
Here's a second installment, this time it's all about how to deal with a biting, hitting child. Great advice from BreezyMama.
Do's and Don'ts to End Hitting and Biting for Good
For kids UNDER the age of three, hitting and biting is more of a training issue than a “misbehavior.” To a frustrated toddler with limited vocabulary and few social skills, taking a bite out of mom or dad’s arm or hitting a playmate who refuses to give up Thomas the Train seems perfectly logical. Our job is to train the child for better behavior in the future without creating a payoff that may cause the hitting and biting to continue and possibly escalate.
Here are a few Do’s and Don'ts to end hitting and biting:
DON’T spank or slap a child for hitting or biting. It reinforces that hitting is okay and models exactly the behavior you’re trying to stop.
DO supervise closely. You can probably tell when your toddler is getting frustrated or tired. When that’s the case, end the play date or swiftly remove him from the situation before it escalates to hitting or biting.
DO remain calm. It’s understandable to be upset when you see your toddler hurt another child, but you’ll get better results by remaining calm. When you get upset and raise your voice, your child gets a big dose of attention for a negative behavior. Even negative attention is very reinforcing and almost guarantees the behavior will continue. If your toddler hits or bites someone else, calmly remove him from the situation and use simple words – “No Hitting” or “Biting Hurts.”
Decide what YOU will do. Try as you might, you can’t “force” your child to NOT hit or bite. All you can do is decide what YOU will do when that happens. When your toddler hits or bites you, calmly put him down without eye contact and walk out of the room. This isn’t letting the child “get away” with the behavior; it’s creating a consequence that a young child can understand. The consequence is “when I hit or bite, mom goes away.” It also ensures that you’re not providing attention that reinforces the negative behavior. Take comfort that you’re not abandoning your child. As soon your toddler can speak calmly and kindly and use gentle touch with you, you are happy to interact with him again.
DO practice alternative strategies. Have pretend play dates with stuffed animals and practice what she can do when she gets frustrated. She can walk away, ask for help or use her words to say how she feels. Being able to use these conflict resolution strategies in the heat of the moment won’t happen over night, but practicing them early and often is the key.
DON’T force the child to apologize. A toddler’s “I’m sorry’s” are rarely heartfelt. When he is calm, talk about what he can do to “make it right” or “make the injured party feel better.” Coloring a picture or demonstrating an act of kindness teaches your child to take responsibility for his actions and shows empathy for the other person.
For tips for kids over the age of 3, head on over to BreezyMama's site here!
Here's a second installment, this time it's all about how to deal with a biting, hitting child. Great advice from BreezyMama.
Do's and Don'ts to End Hitting and Biting for Good
For kids UNDER the age of three, hitting and biting is more of a training issue than a “misbehavior.” To a frustrated toddler with limited vocabulary and few social skills, taking a bite out of mom or dad’s arm or hitting a playmate who refuses to give up Thomas the Train seems perfectly logical. Our job is to train the child for better behavior in the future without creating a payoff that may cause the hitting and biting to continue and possibly escalate.
Here are a few Do’s and Don'ts to end hitting and biting:
DON’T spank or slap a child for hitting or biting. It reinforces that hitting is okay and models exactly the behavior you’re trying to stop.
DO supervise closely. You can probably tell when your toddler is getting frustrated or tired. When that’s the case, end the play date or swiftly remove him from the situation before it escalates to hitting or biting.
DO remain calm. It’s understandable to be upset when you see your toddler hurt another child, but you’ll get better results by remaining calm. When you get upset and raise your voice, your child gets a big dose of attention for a negative behavior. Even negative attention is very reinforcing and almost guarantees the behavior will continue. If your toddler hits or bites someone else, calmly remove him from the situation and use simple words – “No Hitting” or “Biting Hurts.”
Decide what YOU will do. Try as you might, you can’t “force” your child to NOT hit or bite. All you can do is decide what YOU will do when that happens. When your toddler hits or bites you, calmly put him down without eye contact and walk out of the room. This isn’t letting the child “get away” with the behavior; it’s creating a consequence that a young child can understand. The consequence is “when I hit or bite, mom goes away.” It also ensures that you’re not providing attention that reinforces the negative behavior. Take comfort that you’re not abandoning your child. As soon your toddler can speak calmly and kindly and use gentle touch with you, you are happy to interact with him again.
DO practice alternative strategies. Have pretend play dates with stuffed animals and practice what she can do when she gets frustrated. She can walk away, ask for help or use her words to say how she feels. Being able to use these conflict resolution strategies in the heat of the moment won’t happen over night, but practicing them early and often is the key.
DON’T force the child to apologize. A toddler’s “I’m sorry’s” are rarely heartfelt. When he is calm, talk about what he can do to “make it right” or “make the injured party feel better.” Coloring a picture or demonstrating an act of kindness teaches your child to take responsibility for his actions and shows empathy for the other person.
For tips for kids over the age of 3, head on over to BreezyMama's site here!
Friday, June 25, 2010
Haiti Still Needs You
It’s been several months since the tragic earthquake, and Haiti still needs our help. Particularly the children, who have lost their parents and their homes and are now facing more danger as a result of hurricane season. Haiti is still a very long way from getting back on their feet and they need help rebuilding not just their country, but also their lives.
Here's an excerpt of what Caryl Stern, President and CEO of US Fund for UNICEF, wrote to me:
Dear Annie,
They lost their mothers and fathers. Their schools were destroyed. Now countless children languish in over-crowded, disease-prone camps.
Haiti's children still need your help. And with the hurricane season ahead, they now face increased risk of disease.
These child survivors represent an entire generation of Haitians. Their future is literally in your hands.
Donate before June 30th and you will be ensuring that UNICEF's efforts in Haiti continue. Here are the projects you will be funding:
* Nutrition supplies for 495,000 children and 200,000 pregnant or breast-feeding women;
* Millions of gallons of potable water;
* School-in-a-box kits and tents to serve as temporary classrooms;
* 8 new garbage disposal sites to serve 5 million people while sanitation facilities are rebuilt; and
* Additional field staff on border points where children are at risk of trafficking.
Reconstruction in Haiti means nothing if these children don't make it. This is a massive undertaking. It will take an unprecedented level of support. But failure to act now only sentences Haiti's children to more suffering.
More than ever, Haiti depends on external aid. After years of political strife and consecutive hurricanes, the January 12 earthquake plunged Haiti into one of the worst humanitarian crises the world has seen.
Please, help give them a brighter, more secure future.
With much gratitude,
Caryl M. Stern
President & CEO
U.S. Fund for UNICEF
No Slippy Hair Clippy has pledged a portion of our sales to UNICEF. This plea reminds us to continue our support. I hope it has reminded you as well.
Visit UNICEF's website for more information on how you can help.
Here's an excerpt of what Caryl Stern, President and CEO of US Fund for UNICEF, wrote to me:
Dear Annie,
They lost their mothers and fathers. Their schools were destroyed. Now countless children languish in over-crowded, disease-prone camps.
Haiti's children still need your help. And with the hurricane season ahead, they now face increased risk of disease.
These child survivors represent an entire generation of Haitians. Their future is literally in your hands.
Donate before June 30th and you will be ensuring that UNICEF's efforts in Haiti continue. Here are the projects you will be funding:
* Nutrition supplies for 495,000 children and 200,000 pregnant or breast-feeding women;
* Millions of gallons of potable water;
* School-in-a-box kits and tents to serve as temporary classrooms;
* 8 new garbage disposal sites to serve 5 million people while sanitation facilities are rebuilt; and
* Additional field staff on border points where children are at risk of trafficking.
Reconstruction in Haiti means nothing if these children don't make it. This is a massive undertaking. It will take an unprecedented level of support. But failure to act now only sentences Haiti's children to more suffering.
More than ever, Haiti depends on external aid. After years of political strife and consecutive hurricanes, the January 12 earthquake plunged Haiti into one of the worst humanitarian crises the world has seen.
Please, help give them a brighter, more secure future.
With much gratitude,
Caryl M. Stern
President & CEO
U.S. Fund for UNICEF
No Slippy Hair Clippy has pledged a portion of our sales to UNICEF. This plea reminds us to continue our support. I hope it has reminded you as well.
Visit UNICEF's website for more information on how you can help.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
All the Single Dads...
All you single fathers out there, we salute you! Parenting has got to be one of the toughest jobs on the planet and doing it alone requires near-superhuman powers. This Father's Month (yes, we have declared it!) we give you this little tribute to hopefully make your lives a little easier.
This week will be all about parenting tips that has helped us moms through the years and which we hope will be helpful to you as well. I found an insightful rundown of tips from BabyZone on how to calm a crying baby:
22 Ways to Calm a Crying Baby
Stay Calm
The best thing parents can do when their infant is crying is to stay calm. An increase in your stress level will increase your baby's. Remain calm and your baby might follow suit.
Check Baby's Diaper
A wet or soiled diaper is one of the most common reasons for a baby's tears. Even if you have recently changed your baby's diaper, it's still a good idea to check again. Check Baby's diaper first before trying other calming methods, and change as needed.
Check Baby's Temperature
Feel the back of your baby's neck to see if she is too hot or too cold. Add or remove layers accordingly. If you're not sure whether the skin temperature feels normal, take your baby's temperature with a thermometer. If your baby has a fever—any temperature above 100.4°F or 38°C—you should call your child's doctor.
Feed Baby
Most babies cry when they are hungry. Try offering the breast or bottle to soothe your little one. Sometimes breastfeeding mothers worry that they will overfeed their babies because their babies seem to want to eat so often. Experts say it is normal for breastfeeding babies to eat often, as breast milk is quickly absorbed.
Ease Gas Pain
If Baby starts crying after a feeding, he may have a gas bubble. Try patting his back, bending his knees toward his chest, or rubbing his back while he lies on your lap to release the gas. Successful burping is a skill most parents come to pride themselves on, but it's also one of the oddest things a person could have imagined doing before becoming a parent.
Distract Baby
It's surprising how often this method works. Parents who've tried this suggest making faces or blowing raspberries as surefire ways to make Baby laugh, and to take her mind off of the reason for her tears.
Sometimes, all a baby needs is love. Take a few moments to snuggle with your little one. Give him kisses and hugs, hold him close, and tell him how much you love him.
Change the Way You Hold Baby
Some little ones like to be held over the shoulder, some prefer the football hold, and still others like to be held facing out. Experiment to learn what your infant likes best.
Sing or Hum
Soft, gentle songs sung by a familiar voice will often calm Baby's cries. Even if the singer is not particularly gifted, give this tip a try. Humming also offers a soothing vibratory sensation.
A slow, repetitive motion can lull Baby into a peaceful state. The warmth of a loved one's body and the snuggling that goes along with the dance are added benefits.
More tips at BabyZone!
Our lovely little model is wearing No Slippy Hair Clippy's Lindsey Headband. Photographed by Amanda Elkins.
This week will be all about parenting tips that has helped us moms through the years and which we hope will be helpful to you as well. I found an insightful rundown of tips from BabyZone on how to calm a crying baby:
22 Ways to Calm a Crying Baby
Stay Calm
The best thing parents can do when their infant is crying is to stay calm. An increase in your stress level will increase your baby's. Remain calm and your baby might follow suit.
Check Baby's Diaper
A wet or soiled diaper is one of the most common reasons for a baby's tears. Even if you have recently changed your baby's diaper, it's still a good idea to check again. Check Baby's diaper first before trying other calming methods, and change as needed.
Check Baby's Temperature
Feel the back of your baby's neck to see if she is too hot or too cold. Add or remove layers accordingly. If you're not sure whether the skin temperature feels normal, take your baby's temperature with a thermometer. If your baby has a fever—any temperature above 100.4°F or 38°C—you should call your child's doctor.
Feed Baby
Most babies cry when they are hungry. Try offering the breast or bottle to soothe your little one. Sometimes breastfeeding mothers worry that they will overfeed their babies because their babies seem to want to eat so often. Experts say it is normal for breastfeeding babies to eat often, as breast milk is quickly absorbed.
Ease Gas Pain
If Baby starts crying after a feeding, he may have a gas bubble. Try patting his back, bending his knees toward his chest, or rubbing his back while he lies on your lap to release the gas. Successful burping is a skill most parents come to pride themselves on, but it's also one of the oddest things a person could have imagined doing before becoming a parent.
Distract Baby
It's surprising how often this method works. Parents who've tried this suggest making faces or blowing raspberries as surefire ways to make Baby laugh, and to take her mind off of the reason for her tears.
Sometimes, all a baby needs is love. Take a few moments to snuggle with your little one. Give him kisses and hugs, hold him close, and tell him how much you love him.
Change the Way You Hold Baby
Some little ones like to be held over the shoulder, some prefer the football hold, and still others like to be held facing out. Experiment to learn what your infant likes best.
Sing or Hum
Soft, gentle songs sung by a familiar voice will often calm Baby's cries. Even if the singer is not particularly gifted, give this tip a try. Humming also offers a soothing vibratory sensation.
A slow, repetitive motion can lull Baby into a peaceful state. The warmth of a loved one's body and the snuggling that goes along with the dance are added benefits.
More tips at BabyZone!
Our lovely little model is wearing No Slippy Hair Clippy's Lindsey Headband. Photographed by Amanda Elkins.
Father's Day,
No Slippy Hair Clippy,
Monday, June 21, 2010
Some More for Daddy
Father's Day has come and gone, but the dads in our lives are too special to celebrate in just one day, right? Surprise him with post-Father's Day gifts that you and your kids can easily make at home.
Here are great ideas from LilSugar:
* Bake a Father’s Day cake (or cupcakes). Snatch up some glitz in the baking aisle to frou-frou it up. You can write out your own “Happy Father’s Day Daddy!” with a tube of blue frosting. If your little one is old enough to enjoy a song and a good clap, grab the opening to sing “Happy Father’s Day to you” in the tune of “Happy Birthday” and you will have your munchkin involved in no time. Not to mention, they’ll love a couple bites of that cake!
* Have them “make” Daddy a card. Washable finger-paint, markers, and crayons are wonderful for this kind of occasion. If your little one is a bit too young to be introduced to the world of finger-painting artistry, you can make “baby’s signature” handprints by using washable finger-paint on a piece of construction paper.
* Use photos! Take the adorable stash of photos you undoubtedly have of your little one and Daddy to form a photo album or a collage.
And here's one from us!
* Dress up for Dad. Let your little girl greet him with a sunny smile, a pretty dress and precious hair accessories. Make him feel extra special by looking extra special and maybe taking him on an all-dressed-up lunch or dinner at home. Why not roll out a red carpet for him, too? Any red-colored rug would do! It's a whole new experience that we're sure he'll remember fondly. Of course, if we're talking about hair accessories, there's nothing more special out there than *ahem* No Slippy Hair Clippy!
This darling little lady is wearing our Shayla Ribbed Organza Baby Bow in light blue! The lovely bow is available in nine colors, so you have something to match all your daughter's favorite dresses.
Image from sxc.hu
No Slippy Hair Clippy Image shot by Amanda Elkins
Friday, June 18, 2010
For Daddy
A Little Girl Needs Daddy
A little girl needs Daddy
For many, many things:
Like holding her high off the ground
Where the sunlight sings!
Like being the deep music
That tells her all is right
When she awakens frantic with
The terrors of the night.
Like being the great mountain
That rises in her heart
And shows her how she might get home
When all else falls apart.
Like giving her the love
That is her sea and air,
So diving deep or soaring high
She'll always find him there.
-Author Unknown
Happy Father's Day to all the daddies! We thank you for being the shield and protector of our little girls--and the first man to ever truly love them unconditionally.
Image from sxc.hu
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Best Summer Hairstyles
I love summer (next to spring, though, but I love it nonetheless). First of all, and I won't deny it, I love it because school's out: back when I was still in school and even until now! There's just that fantastic feeling of slowing down, taking things a wee bit easy, more opportunities to sleep in, and of course, all the activities you can do now that you and your kids aren't swamped with schoolwork.
Second, summer always opens so many opportunities to go out and have some fun sun time. Of course, if you're going out there to strut your stuff, you'll have to be at your best. Well, for all things hairstyle, you know you can count on me *wink*
This season, to see the trendiest hairstyles, just look at the stars. Hollywood, that is. Being public figures, celebrities know that staying in the public eye is either looking horrific or looking fabulous. Like us, normal human beings, most of them thankfully choose the latter. So here's an excerpt of Elle.com's top celebrity hair trends for summer:
Wavy Bob
For a carefree summer do, above-the-shoulder waves are the way to go. Both Zoe Saldana and Jessica Alba have recently trimmed their tresses to sport this tousled style.
Messy Side Braid
Boho-chic fashionista Nicole Richie rocks a messy side-braid effortlessly.
Ballerina Bun
As Rachel McAdams demonstrates, a ballerina bun is ideal for showing off shoulders and statement earrings.
Straight Hair
Beach waves are always fun for summer, but as the spring and fall catwalks proved, straight strands like Reese Witherspoon's are back.
Pixie Cut
It Girl Carey Mulligan and her Twiggy-esque do have been ruling the red carpet.
Side Pony
Showcasing this sideswept look just right: reality TV star turned author Lauren Conrad.
And here's one from us!
No matter what type of hair you have, summery hair accessories will always give you that extra oomph! Just like this fun and playful Tonya headband!
Or this dainty and delicate Ryan hairclip!
More trendy summer hairstyles at Elle.com!
Have a fun summer ;o)
No Slippy Hair Clippy photos by Amanda Elkins. Celebrity photos from Getty Images.
Second, summer always opens so many opportunities to go out and have some fun sun time. Of course, if you're going out there to strut your stuff, you'll have to be at your best. Well, for all things hairstyle, you know you can count on me *wink*
This season, to see the trendiest hairstyles, just look at the stars. Hollywood, that is. Being public figures, celebrities know that staying in the public eye is either looking horrific or looking fabulous. Like us, normal human beings, most of them thankfully choose the latter. So here's an excerpt of Elle.com's top celebrity hair trends for summer:
Wavy Bob
For a carefree summer do, above-the-shoulder waves are the way to go. Both Zoe Saldana and Jessica Alba have recently trimmed their tresses to sport this tousled style.
Messy Side Braid
Boho-chic fashionista Nicole Richie rocks a messy side-braid effortlessly.
Ballerina Bun
As Rachel McAdams demonstrates, a ballerina bun is ideal for showing off shoulders and statement earrings.
Straight Hair
Beach waves are always fun for summer, but as the spring and fall catwalks proved, straight strands like Reese Witherspoon's are back.
Pixie Cut
It Girl Carey Mulligan and her Twiggy-esque do have been ruling the red carpet.
Side Pony
Showcasing this sideswept look just right: reality TV star turned author Lauren Conrad.
And here's one from us!
No matter what type of hair you have, summery hair accessories will always give you that extra oomph! Just like this fun and playful Tonya headband!
Or this dainty and delicate Ryan hairclip!
More trendy summer hairstyles at Elle.com!
Have a fun summer ;o)
No Slippy Hair Clippy photos by Amanda Elkins. Celebrity photos from Getty Images.
No Slippy Hair Clippy,
Monday, June 14, 2010
Summer Giveaways!
We love summer + we love you = No Slippy Hair Clippy's giveaways!
It's been quite a ride for us lately, with all the lovely reviews and all the fantastic new fans and followers. We started out small, but with big hopes for a product we truly believed in and wanted to share. Now with all your continued support, we've reached a following we never imagined we could achieve!
So as our little way of saying THANK YOU, we've been on overdrive with giveaways. And this month, we have TWO on-going so you will have more chances of winning!
One is hosted by the lovely Nadine Carriere of Child Mode, a great must-visit site for moms where you can find the latest on products for babies and children, fab travel destinations for the family and juicy scoops on celebrities baby styles! We take this opportunity to thank her for the kind words she wrote about No Slippy Hair Clippy in her review. We're thrilled that her two daughters loved our products!
You can join her giveaway here!
Another giveaway is hosted by adorable momma Annie at Mama Dweeb! Hers is another fun blog, filled with her adventures in mommy-hood as well as great products she loves. Massive thank you to Annie as well, for the lovely review she wrote. We're happy that little Lizzie loved our new Clipettes!
You can join her giveaway here!
You can expect many more in the weeks to come :o) For now, the best of luck to everyone and once again, THANK YOU!
*Disney's Ryan Newman is wearing our Whitney bow in white. Photographed by Amanda Elkins.
gift certificate,
No Slippy Hair Clippy,
Friday, June 11, 2010
Top 10 Summer Travel Tips
Summer offers so many opportunities to go out and enjoy the world! But traveling with the kiddos can be tricky and sometimes even downright impossible. Here are ten tips from Breezy Mama on how you can make your summer road trips as smooth sailing as possible. These were compiled from Colleen Lanin of TravelMamas.com:
10. Print a packing list
I used to wrack my brain writing out every little thing I didn’t want to forget before each trip with the kids. It finally occurred to me to save the list and simply modify it for each trip. I have been perfecting that packing list ever since I became a mom five years ago.
9. Keep a separate stash of toys and books for travel.
Sure, a new diversion or two is always fun. But a hidden toy is a forgotten toy. Kids will be psyched to rediscover old favorites on the go, saving you money and effort.
8. Never, ever count on feeding your children food provided on an airplane.
A three-hour delay on the tarmac could easily thwart your plans. Instead, bring plenty of healthy snacks. A steady stream of sliced and dried fruits, whole grain crackers, and pretzels keep kids busy munching instead of fighting or whining. Throw in a few forbidden treats as a reward for good behavior too!
7. Be a hypochondriac.
I keep a zipper-lock bag of every sort of medicine and ointment our family just might need while away from home. This is especially handy when traveling to a foreign country or when embarking on a cruise, where getting familiar medications might be difficult. Even when traveling somewhere close-by where you could easily purchase some teething tablets or cough syrup, do you WANT to run out in the middle of the night in a strange town chasing down something you could have easily packed?
6. Hitting the road? Don’t forget the bucket!
You never know when car sickness will strike and if it does, you need to be prepared. Bring along a bucket (a sand pail will do) or snag an air sickness bag to stow in your car. I learned this one the hard way, people.
Read on about the top 5 tips on Breezy Mama here! Have a (hopefully) sunny adventure!
Image from babble.com.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Summer Hair Care
Summer is obviously never complete without enjoying some sun time. But we all know that the sun can be quite harsh on our skin, and even on our hair! Exposure to the sun can damage your hair's cuticle, making your hair dry, drab and brittle.
While protecting your skin is as easy as slathering on some sunblock, what do you do to protect your hair? Here are some tips that have been very helpful to me:
* Cover up! The easiest, quickest way to protect those tresses from the sun's rays. Wear a summer hat or stylish scarves to cover your hair. But remember to choose ones that still allow proper air circulation. Otherwise, you'll end up getting too hot to keep the hat or the scarf on.
* Leave on! Use leave-on hair products that have SPF protection. However, you can also put regular sunscreen on your hair, BUT make sure to concentrate on your scalp as well and not just the strands. It's quite a desperate solution, but when in dire need, improvise. It does save your hair from sun damage.
* All natural! Summer will leave your hair moisture-deprived. So limit your use of certain hair products that may contain ingredients which have been known to dry hair. Choose brands that are as natural as possible.
* No heat! I can assure you, the sun will pretty much do a better job at heating things up so you won't need anymore heat on your hair. Give your hair a break from heat-styling (blow dryers, iron curlers, etc.). If you MUST have waves, try braiding damp hair and let air-dry. Let loose and you've got very natural and playful curls. If you MUST blow-dry, at least apply some leave-on hair conditioner to protect your hair from the heat.
* Deep conditioning! Regular deep conditioning treatments will help in replenishing moisture in your hair. Apply your deep conditioner of choice to your hair (whether damp or dry) and then wrap up in a shower cap. Leave it on for some time or even overnight so your hair absorbs all the re-moisturizing benefits then rinse off.
So go ahead ad enjoy sunnier days ahead, but don't forget to take care of your tresses. Happy summer, everyone!
Image from sxc.hu.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Smokin' Cupcakes for Dad!
Our Father's Day special isn't over yet! It's still several days away, but who says you should only that special man feel extra special once this month? How about making it a Father's Week?
If your kids love tinkering around with you in the kitchen, get them to be your little bakers and make these sweet treats fro Dad! If he loves barbecues, or if he loves sweets, or even better: if he loves both, give him this surprise treat from Disney Family Fun:
brownie batter
black foo coloring
white frosting
orange sugar
caramel crams
red, yellow and green candy fruit slices
Hot Tamales candies
1. To make a batch of 12, place liners in a muffin pan, oil them, and fill them two thirds full of your favorite brownie batter, then bake according to the recipe directions. Let the brownies cool.
2. In a small bowl, mix one or two drops of black food coloring with 1/4 cup white frosting. Transfer the frosting to a ziplock bag and snip a small section from the corner. Pipe grate lines onto each brownie and let them set for 20 minutes. Add embers with a sprinkle of orange sugar.
3. Prepare the grill food as instructed below and press it in place atop each brownie.
Kebabs = A caramel cream and red, yellow, and green candy fruit slices, cut into small pieces + toothpick skewers
Pork chop = two thirds of a caramel cream, molded with fingers + black food coloring, applied with a toothpick
Hot dogs = Hot Tamales candies + black food coloring, applied with a toothpick
More fun and easy recipes and ideas at Disney Family Fun's website!
Images from Disney Family Fun.
If your kids love tinkering around with you in the kitchen, get them to be your little bakers and make these sweet treats fro Dad! If he loves barbecues, or if he loves sweets, or even better: if he loves both, give him this surprise treat from Disney Family Fun:
brownie batter
black foo coloring
white frosting
orange sugar
caramel crams
red, yellow and green candy fruit slices
Hot Tamales candies
1. To make a batch of 12, place liners in a muffin pan, oil them, and fill them two thirds full of your favorite brownie batter, then bake according to the recipe directions. Let the brownies cool.
2. In a small bowl, mix one or two drops of black food coloring with 1/4 cup white frosting. Transfer the frosting to a ziplock bag and snip a small section from the corner. Pipe grate lines onto each brownie and let them set for 20 minutes. Add embers with a sprinkle of orange sugar.
3. Prepare the grill food as instructed below and press it in place atop each brownie.
Kebabs = A caramel cream and red, yellow, and green candy fruit slices, cut into small pieces + toothpick skewers
Pork chop = two thirds of a caramel cream, molded with fingers + black food coloring, applied with a toothpick
Hot dogs = Hot Tamales candies + black food coloring, applied with a toothpick
More fun and easy recipes and ideas at Disney Family Fun's website!
Images from Disney Family Fun.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Take the Beach Home!
Or maybe some parts of it, at least ;)
As you prepare for a little more sun time this month, why not make the most of your trips to the beach? Kaboose suggests that you make cool sand-filled bottles to remember that fun day at the beach with your kids.
What you'll need:
wax paper
colored chalk (as many different colors as you like)
clear glass or plastic bottles
stick or pencil
white glue or bottle cap
cutting board
How to make it:
1. Cover the work surface with newspaper.
2. Place a sheet of wax paper on a cutting board.
3. Place some sand on the wax paper. Roll a piece of colored chalk across the sand until the sand is completely changed to that color.
4. Carefully lift the wax paper and gently shake the sand to the center of the wax paper. Hold both ends of the paper up to use it as a pour spout to pour the colored sand into the bottle. You can use a funnel if you find it easier.
5. Use a stick or the eraser end of a pencil to make a few dips in the sand.
6. Repeat these steps until you have several colors of sand layered in your bottle(s).
7. If you have a cap for your bottle, be sure to fill it completely with sand and press down firmly on the sand to compact it. Place cap on tight. If you do not have a bottle cap, fill sand to about ½” from the top of the bottle. Compact the sand with a pencil or your finger if it fits in the opening and then fill to the top with glue and let dry.
More craft ideas here!
Image from Kaboose.
As you prepare for a little more sun time this month, why not make the most of your trips to the beach? Kaboose suggests that you make cool sand-filled bottles to remember that fun day at the beach with your kids.
What you'll need:
wax paper
colored chalk (as many different colors as you like)
clear glass or plastic bottles
stick or pencil
white glue or bottle cap
cutting board
How to make it:
1. Cover the work surface with newspaper.
2. Place a sheet of wax paper on a cutting board.
3. Place some sand on the wax paper. Roll a piece of colored chalk across the sand until the sand is completely changed to that color.
4. Carefully lift the wax paper and gently shake the sand to the center of the wax paper. Hold both ends of the paper up to use it as a pour spout to pour the colored sand into the bottle. You can use a funnel if you find it easier.
5. Use a stick or the eraser end of a pencil to make a few dips in the sand.
6. Repeat these steps until you have several colors of sand layered in your bottle(s).
7. If you have a cap for your bottle, be sure to fill it completely with sand and press down firmly on the sand to compact it. Place cap on tight. If you do not have a bottle cap, fill sand to about ½” from the top of the bottle. Compact the sand with a pencil or your finger if it fits in the opening and then fill to the top with glue and let dry.
More craft ideas here!
Image from Kaboose.
Monday, June 7, 2010
To all the Fathers
June has finally come. That means not only is summer just around the corner, so is Father's Day! Our dads may not be as *ahem* adept in household work as much as our moms are, but they are an irreplaceable part of the family. Plus, dad will always have the honor of being the first guy who loved you unconditionally.
When I was a kid, I remember how my father would patiently play pretend with me for HOURS. He would "pretend cook" with me and "pretend eat" with me and sometimes we'd even have "pretend parties" with all my stuffed animals. As a child, of course I had no concept of time! So I would keep playing until something else captivates my interest. He tells me now how it honestly bored him to death, which I find even more endearing, because I don't ever recall him declining any of my invitations to my imagined celebrations.
This month, let's celebrate these special men in our lives. Whether it's your own father, your father-in-law, your gramps, or your hubby, these dads in our lives deserve to know how much we appreciate their presence. So make them feel extra special!
Here are some fun craft ideas from Disney Family Fun that you can do with your kids for Father's Day:
Help Dad keep his car neat, clean, and clutter-free with a personalized storage box. Have your kids decorate a sturdy cardboard box -- you'll want to flatten it first to make it easier to decorate. When they're finished, assemble the box, tape the bottom, and tuck in the flaps. For handles, use a craft knife to cut 2 X's through all the layers on each end of the box (a parent's job). Push a pencil through the center of each X to create holes. Thread a 24-inch length of rope through each set of holes and knot the ends on the inside.
Delight him at every turn by leaving Father's Day wishes all over the house. Sing Dad's praises in stand-alone messages taped here and there, or set up successive signs leading him to a gift or a sumptuous Sunday breakfast.
More fun ideas at Disney Family Fun's website!
Images from Disney Family Fun.
When I was a kid, I remember how my father would patiently play pretend with me for HOURS. He would "pretend cook" with me and "pretend eat" with me and sometimes we'd even have "pretend parties" with all my stuffed animals. As a child, of course I had no concept of time! So I would keep playing until something else captivates my interest. He tells me now how it honestly bored him to death, which I find even more endearing, because I don't ever recall him declining any of my invitations to my imagined celebrations.
This month, let's celebrate these special men in our lives. Whether it's your own father, your father-in-law, your gramps, or your hubby, these dads in our lives deserve to know how much we appreciate their presence. So make them feel extra special!
Here are some fun craft ideas from Disney Family Fun that you can do with your kids for Father's Day:
Help Dad keep his car neat, clean, and clutter-free with a personalized storage box. Have your kids decorate a sturdy cardboard box -- you'll want to flatten it first to make it easier to decorate. When they're finished, assemble the box, tape the bottom, and tuck in the flaps. For handles, use a craft knife to cut 2 X's through all the layers on each end of the box (a parent's job). Push a pencil through the center of each X to create holes. Thread a 24-inch length of rope through each set of holes and knot the ends on the inside.
Delight him at every turn by leaving Father's Day wishes all over the house. Sing Dad's praises in stand-alone messages taped here and there, or set up successive signs leading him to a gift or a sumptuous Sunday breakfast.
More fun ideas at Disney Family Fun's website!
Images from Disney Family Fun.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Glee Girls!
I think the Glee Bug has bitten me! Each week, I look forward to each new episode, after which I am sure to be singing that episode's songs for days!
The characters are interesting and the song numbers are great, great fun. Plus the actors playing them are incredibly talented. Those Glee kids may not always make the best decisions, but I enjoy watching this show simply because for once, I'm not ogling at a group of gorgeous rich kids living on Park Avenue that I cannot relate to at all. Not bashing shows like that, of course! It's just that I am thrilled that for once, here is a show that speaks to my inner geek!
In fact, here's a little secret: I was in the glee club in high school too! I didn't get slushified in the face, though, thankfully. In all honesty, those were very exciting times in my life. It may sound cliche to say it, but glee club really DID bring out the best in me! You see, I have always been rather shy. But having to perform in front of those crowds and compete in all those nerve-wracking contests trained me to put a little more faith in myself and in what I can do.
But enough about me! Have you ever wondered how those adorable Glee girls are like in real life? Is Lea Michele as ambitious as Rachel Berry? Is Naya Rivera such a meanie like Santana Lopez? You'll be surprised!
Read the article on BellaSugar!
Images from gleetvguide.com and zimbio.com
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Planning Perfect Picnics
As promised, here are top tips for planning a perfect picnic with your family! It's sunny outside, nature is beckoning you and you deserve some form of escape from the ordinary, routine, everyday!
Want to fully enjoy your day of communing with nature? Read on:
Be realistic about transportation. If your picnic site requires some walking, pack in a comfortable backpack or a cooler with wheels and save the quaint baskets for short strolls or drive-in areas.
Encourage interaction. Instead of preparing sandwiches, tote in a deli-bar, complete with fresh rolls, meats, cheeses and condiments. Everyone creates his or her own meal and no one complains about soggy bread.
Remember food safety when creating your menu. It's best to leave things like mayonnaise and seafood at home on warm summer days. However, if you can't imagine a potato salad-less picnic, just make sure to keep it in a cooler or over ice until just before serving.
Use circumstances to your benefit. Try to construct your menu around pasta salads, salsas and other composed dishes that are dressed in vinaigrette marinades. These items, high in acidity, hold up well in the heat and continue to take on wonderful flavor with time.
Most importantly, relax and enjoy the luxury of dining in nature. Outside the confines of a dining room, strict rules of etiquette need not apply!
More tips (plus recipes) here!
Source: www.ivillage.com
Have fun and enjoy the outdoors!
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Clipettes in Earnshaw's!
We are so thrilled that our dear friends at Earnshaw's Magazine has featured No Slippy Hair Clippy's Clipettes in their April/May 2010 issue!
Clipettes is our newest line of mini clips. They may be adorably small in size, but we definitely did not scrimp on quality for these babies! Each mini clip (1 3/4-inch) is fully lined in grosgrain, including the pinch area. This ensures that you still get our promise of a non-slip clip :o)
Plus, they come in lovely designs (I'm loving the leopard and zebra prints!) and retail at only $2.95.
Clipettes Frogs
(also available: Ladybugs)
(also available: Ladybugs)
Clipettes Flowers
More mini clips on our newly revamped website: www.hairclippy.com!
Earnshaw's Magazine,
No Slippy Hair Clippy
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